Tuesday, August 21, 2007


What do ya do with a friend like Linda?

Wrong question. Better: what I would do without Linda?

Answer: blank, zippo, nada, none. I refuse to consider it; I never want to find out.

My entire family is moved deeply by the support, prayers, hugs, tears and virtual hands to hold that came our way as a result of Linda's phenomenal memory for passwords and her unique gift for finding creative ways to lighten the load for a friend. How she does it all is beyond me, given that just about everyone she meets ends up in the friend category.

I'd like to think that I will eventually personally thank all who responded to Linda's post and took the time to come here to leave words of encouragement in the form of comments to my prior post. I'd also like to think I'm hitting the Mega Millions jackpot this week, and that by next week I'll be rounding Linda and all you other kind folks up for a month in Maui.

My Real-O-Meter tells me that the odds of either happening are not favorable.

So, I'll keep it simple and from the heart. Thank you. I'll never forget any of you, and I hope someday to join you here in the Blogosphere.


Blogger Linda said...

As long as you're not skipping around the courtyard singing "How do you solve a problem like Linda?" then I'm good with being known as a computer hacker! Actually, I don't have such a phenomenal memory at this point but ... uhm, what was I saying? ... oh yeah, your password ... it saved on my computer which I thought was highly convenient!

Don't worry about thanking everyone personally, kiddo. I sincerely doubt anyone who left you a message expected a return comment, they did it from their hearts and large hearts they are.

Oh - and as for everyone I meet ending up in the 'friend' category, I bet you and I could have a few chuckles over that one! But 'tis a lovely thought, a lovely thought indeed.

Hang in there, my friend, and know that I love you and am as here for you as I can possibly be given the distance that separates us.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Hey you! Happy Birthday and where's the freakin' cake?? I would have thrown you a "surprise party post" but can't seem to hack back into here so I'm stuck using your last post - which was way too long ago!

You need to dust off the keyboard and do some writing woman!!

Love you much and wish you the best of birthdays and year to come!!

Miss you, too!

7:30 AM  
Blogger Jeni said...

And a little bird - name of Linda - let out the word that you're having a birthday. So hope you have a HAPPY one! Time to follow Linda's lead and venture forward into the blogosphere, girl!

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CYN!!! Your birthday has created a huge buzz in the blogosphere today. So I have awarded you the Good Buzz Blog Award! Linda may need to help you pick it up here:

9:35 AM  
Blogger katherine. said...


funny thing...my sister Cynthia's birthday is today as well!

If you ever lure Miz Linda back out to California please let me know!

10:20 AM  
Blogger Sandee said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Cyndi
Happy Birthday to you.

Linda sent me over... :)

10:22 AM  
Blogger Jenifer said...

Happy Birthday woman...

Now where's the damn cake???

11:11 AM  
Blogger Joan said...

A certain person (that would be Linda) let it be known throughout BlogLand that a certain person (namely you) was having a birthday so here's a little birthday song just for you!

"Put another candle on your birthday cake
We're gonna bake a birthday cake
Put another candle on your birthday cake
You're another year older today."

Happy, happy birthday and many more.

3:30 PM  
Blogger Misty DawnS said...

A girl named Linda is your friend
She swears to be your friend until the end
She asked me so nice
with sugar and spice
to head over here
and leave you some birthday cheer!

I hope you have the most fabulous day ever! I related so much to your post about taking your life back, I have been subscribed to and reading your blog ever since. I think you will find me as a regular around here! I wish you everything you could hope for on this special day!

4:10 PM  
Blogger Claire said...

After a gentle nudge from the delightful Linda, I have arrived to wish you Happy Birthday!

I have kept you in my thoughts since my last visit :)

6:08 PM  
Blogger Amazing Gracie said...

Just saw Linda's request and I'm late. Darn, I'm sure the cake is gone by now!!!
I hope you had a truly wonderful day and may you have many, many more!

11:56 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Thought I'd stop by to see if you had managed to post anything new since my last visit but it looks like the same old posts with just a few extra cobwebs! I need to get you to start blogging, woman, you'd find it highly therapeutic!

2:03 PM  

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